Sunday, December 23, 2012

This is "Oreo" our new cat.  She showed up at work one day and turned out to be a very sweet cat.  I started feeding her and making a point of finding her every day to pet.  So, I decided to bring her home.

Front of the house with a fresh coat of snow

Great room taped and about ready to be textured.

We have more pictures to upload of the interior of the house which was painted Saturday.  I'll try to get to those later today.

We are quite relieved that the world didn't end Friday.  It would have been rather upsetting to get this close to having our house done, and then have the world end.....

Saturday, December 15, 2012

Front of the house with the windows trimmed out

Metal roof over the garage stick out.  It is supposed to look *aged* and we think it goes well with our rock.

We had a visitor across the road on the hill.  A rather large coyote laid down and was hanging out until Angie went out front with her camera.  As soon as he saw her he was off running.

Rock column on the front porch.

Chuck our mason working into the night to finish our rock work.

Great room with the drywall hung, taped and the first layer of mud on.

Tuesday, December 11, 2012

The finished rock on the gable that stick out in front of the office

Drywallers have been busy in our master bedroom

Phenomenal rock work, we absolutely love how it looks

Sunday, December 9, 2012

The stone masons are working on getting the rock on the front of the house.  Their tent was pretty warm around 80 degrees while they were in there.

Our garage, fully finished and painted.

Drywall is in progress in the master bath

Chuck and his father in law, who are doing our stone work

Absolutely love our rock and I am impressed at how good it looks on the wall, Chuck is a good mason.