Monday, August 27, 2012

We went out to the lot today to see if there had been any progress.

We have concrete!

Thursday, August 23, 2012

What is that?  A building permit!  I'd look happier if I wasn't squinting from the light outside.

Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Today our concrete sub-contractors were forming up our footings and getting the foundation ready to pour.

Breanne in the Excavator

Thursday, August 16, 2012

Remain Flexible....

Part of the challenge of building a house we have been told, are the myriad of *problems* that occur.  We are finding that remaining flexible is going to be key to keeping our sanity.  

Discovered our lot slopes 11 feet from one corner to the next.  So we had to tweak our foundation a bit.

The bonus from having  to change our foundation is that we will have an additional storage room. 

I am surveying the scene with Dan

Dan our builder digging our crawl space

Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Broken Ground......

Today, I was headed home, and I had this *feeling* that it might be a good time to go see if there had been any progress on our home construction.  As I pulled up to the lot I found a bulldozer, an excavator and my builder holding a laser level transit.  The hole had begun and we have broken ground!

3 years after we first had the idea of building a house, we are finally started!

 Our address and view looking north

Breanne contemplating a career in heavy equipment operation