Sunday, December 23, 2012

This is "Oreo" our new cat.  She showed up at work one day and turned out to be a very sweet cat.  I started feeding her and making a point of finding her every day to pet.  So, I decided to bring her home.

Front of the house with a fresh coat of snow

Great room taped and about ready to be textured.

We have more pictures to upload of the interior of the house which was painted Saturday.  I'll try to get to those later today.

We are quite relieved that the world didn't end Friday.  It would have been rather upsetting to get this close to having our house done, and then have the world end.....

Saturday, December 15, 2012

Front of the house with the windows trimmed out

Metal roof over the garage stick out.  It is supposed to look *aged* and we think it goes well with our rock.

We had a visitor across the road on the hill.  A rather large coyote laid down and was hanging out until Angie went out front with her camera.  As soon as he saw her he was off running.

Rock column on the front porch.

Chuck our mason working into the night to finish our rock work.

Great room with the drywall hung, taped and the first layer of mud on.

Tuesday, December 11, 2012

The finished rock on the gable that stick out in front of the office

Drywallers have been busy in our master bedroom

Phenomenal rock work, we absolutely love how it looks

Sunday, December 9, 2012

The stone masons are working on getting the rock on the front of the house.  Their tent was pretty warm around 80 degrees while they were in there.

Our garage, fully finished and painted.

Drywall is in progress in the master bath

Chuck and his father in law, who are doing our stone work

Absolutely love our rock and I am impressed at how good it looks on the wall, Chuck is a good mason.

Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Inspecting the colored concrete pad outside of the garage

We even managed to get Derek to help some out at the new house

View of the Great Room and our fireplace looking towards the deck

The electricians have been busy pulling wire all over the house

Steve put me to work helping him side and caulk

We are steadily finishing the house.  Angie and I have been busy picking out colors, fixtures and making about 1,843,493 other decisions on the house.  

Sunday, November 18, 2012

The Owl

 As I pulled up to the house Thursday afternoon I could see the activity that  had taken place that day.  The north facing side of the house that housed the garage was nearly completely sided.  The soffit board was also installed.  This gives the roof line edge a neat clean finished look.  The first door of the house was being ready to be installed but there was some crafty pre-work that needed to be done first.

The man door out of the garage was a late addition to the house plan.  Actually it was my father who  mentioned that I might like having a door out of the garage.  Without it I would  have to walk through the house, go out the back door onto the deck, down the stairs and around the side of the house to access the driveway.  I could also go through the house, out the front door, then around the side of the house to the driveway.

In order for the door to be hung, the wiring for my garage door close sensor needed to be run first.  This created a small problem as the frame for the door is solid 2"x6" on either side of the door.  The solution was to drill a hole, then route a channel in the framework to create a pathway to run the wire.

By the time Dan had finished creating the channel we were running out of daylight and the chore of rolling up the work site and putting tools away began.  Once the job-site was secure, we had a meeting about the days events, discussed several things and then headed our separate ways.  I heard owls hooting off in the distance and hooted at them as I started to talk to Steve about the house again.  Since it was cold now that it was dark we decided to sit in his car while it warmed up and continue our discussion.  After about 5 minutes I exited the car, looked up on the roof of our house and saw an enormous Great Horned Owl, which promptly hooted at me heartily.  Steve commented on how big it was as he could see it as well, silhouetted on the southern peak of the house.

I've  hunted Turkey's for a lot of years here in Washington, and one of my locator calls I use is an owl hooter, so I mimicked the calls I've made before and hooted to the Owl.  What happened next was several minutes of the Owl and I hooting back and forth to each other.  Steve had driven around the south end of the house and used a flashlight to illuminate the owl.  The owl promptly turned towards Steve and hooted at him.  The owl hooted at us a few more times then flew off into the night, probably looking for dinner.  It was a fun thing to see and the second wildlife visitor we had that day as my son Derek saw a Deer behind the house earlier in the day.

Saturday, November 17, 2012

Siding going up on the house

Septic System being excavated

Septic tank going in

Plumbers have been busy roughing in 

Our vent pipes were white PVC which stuck out like a sore thumb on our roof.  So, I climbed up with a bottle of alcohol and a rag to clean them with and a spray can of brown paint.

Finished Septic field

More siding going up

Tuesday, November 6, 2012

We have windows! 

Mom was so excited about the windows being here ,she jumped at the chance  to help Steve install one of them!

Looking at the garage end of the house...roofing is almost done.

Friday, November 2, 2012

The roofing has begun

Roof over the garage tip out

Plumbers were on site as well

Paint crew got rained out in Chelan so they dropped by our house to do a little fill in job and painted our facia trim

The framed box for our fireplace

Powder room plumbing

Roughed in plumbing in the laundry room and Derek's bathroom

Outside view of our fireplace

Inside view of the fireplace

The sheathing started out well but the sun didn't last...

Steve and Tristan laying sheets in the rain

Fully sheathed and ready to be dried in

I don't know if we've ever been happier to see a roofing crew

Angie found a new toy to use to dry out the house

Blue *tar paper* was a new one for me.  

We are officially dried in!